How to enable Microsoft Teams personal features in your desktop

Microsoft Teams has grown and evolved like no other platform in 2020 and helped thousands of business and schools to stay on track during Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the huge success with businesses and the education sector, Microsoft has started to target other areas expanding Teams to be used with friends and family.

The preview of Microsoft Teams personal was announced and released for mobile in June and now is arriving to the desktop helping you to better manage your work and personal life.

Teams for Life


Keep track of who watched Microsoft Teams meeting recordings

The possibility of recording a meeting on Microsoft Teams is not new but is being improved to provide a better experience and it now supports the recording directly inside of SharePoint and OneDrive as I explain in this article.

Getting the recordings stored on SharePoint and One Drive solves a lot of the issues users face with Microsoft Stream and it also takes advantage of the great features for files built in in this platforms.

Microsoft Teams meeting viewers


Microsoft Teams is about to change – Meet the new design

Just a few days after Teams has reached 115 million users, we get the chance to see for the first time the new design that will soon land in all tenants worldwide.

Microsoft is updating the Default and Dark themes, changing the background colors and icons to align with the Fluent design already available in other Microsoft 365 applications.

Microsoft Teams new design


Enable meeting recordings in SharePoint and OneDrive

The transition from the classic to the new Stream has already started and managing meeting recordings from Microsoft Teams will be easy as managing a file.

Meeting recordings in SharePoint and OneDrive are globally available and this posts tells you everything you need to know about this new feature.

Microsoft Teams meeting recordings in SharePoint and OneDrive


How to modify the name and profile picture of external users on Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Team gives you the possibility of bringing external users to your Teams context making the collaboration and communication a lot easier.

Despite allowing external users (also known as guests) the name and the profile picture is generated automatically based on the email making it difficult to identify who is who.

To help identifying the user you can redefine the name and the name using the Azure Active Directory in just a few steps as explained in this article.

profile picture on external users on Microsoft teams


How to download audio messages from Microsoft Teams

Audio messages are not one of the most known features on Microsoft Teams as they are only available on the mobile clients, despite this limitation they can be heard in all Teams versions and with the solution I’m bringing here today they can now be downloaded using the web client.

Unlike other files, audio messages are not stored on SharePoint however they are available to be downloaded and listened offline if needed.

download audio messages from Microsoft Teams


How to disable the lobby on a Microsoft Teams meeting

Approving participants waiting on a Microsoft Teams meeting lobby is not difficult but it can be a tedious task if you have a lot of people joining at different times.

If your organization has it enabled by default to all the meeting in this article you will learn how you can disable the lobby for Microsoft Teams meeting that you organize.

disable the lobby on a Microsoft Teams meeting


How to download the attendance reports on Microsoft Teams

Meetings and Live Events are the 2 type of conferences you can have on Microsoft Teams, these can be used for regular meetings at a company to host a virtual event or even for teachers to deliver classes.

For some of these scenarios it’s important to keep track of who have attended the events and both Meetings and Live Events allow you to download the attendance reports.

Despite happening on Teams, the method used to download the reports is different for Meetings and Live Events, in this article you will learn how to enable them and where you can get the attendance reports.

Attendance reports on Microsoft Teams


What’s new for Microsoft Teams from Microsoft Ignite 2020

Microsoft Teams had an astonishing growth during the pandemic and has been receiving new features like no other platform in the Microsoft ecosystem and this Microsoft Ignite was no exception.

Jeff Teper did the Microsoft Teams keynote and presented the usage numbers of the platform that has more than 75 million daily active users, and more than 250 million active users. All these users will start to soon receive the features listed in this article improving even further their digital work experience.

Microsoft Ignite 2020


Collabdays Lisbon 2020 – Learn the latest and greatest about Microsoft Teams

SharePoint Saturday Lisbon has been rebranded and it is now Collabdays Lisbon. Don’t worry, it is still organized by the same people and maintains the same spirit as in previous years.

Collabdays Lisbon is a non-profit, community-driven event dedicated all that is great about SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure. It will be a one-day free virtual event on October 10th, 2020.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.