How to Add a Website as a Tab in Microsoft Teams (Post-July 2024)

Starting July 2024, Microsoft Teams has updated how the Website tab works. Instead of loading the website link directly within Teams, it now opens the link in a new browser tab. This change aligns with web security best practices and enhances website reliability.

While this change improves security, it can disrupt users’ workflow, as they’ll switch between Teams and the browser when interacting with website tabs. However, there’s a workaround that allows you to continue adding websites as tabs within Teams.

Microsoft Teams Website


How to Make Microsoft Places Available in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft just made Microsoft Places available worldwide and it currently available from several locations being one of them Microsoft Teams.

This article will help you if you want to enable Microsoft Places for your users, so they can coordinate better when working remotely or at the office. I’ll show you how to make the application available.

Add Microsoft Places to Microsoft Teams


How to add Microsoft Lists Forms to Microsoft Teams as a tab

Microsoft Lists has revolutionized the way we collect data by introducing a new forms experience. This feature allows for efficient data collection directly from users, without granting them access to the entire list. It’s a significant enhancement for SharePoint and Microsoft Lists users. However, when it comes to Microsoft Teams, the integration isn’t as seamless, often leading to frustration due to the lack of support from the default SharePoint and Microsoft Lists applications.

In this blog post, we’ll explore a workaround that enables you to add Microsoft Lists forms to Microsoft Teams, creating a native experience that allows users to complete forms within their workflow, all without leaving the Teams environment.

Microsoft Lists Forms in Microsoft Teams


How to Adapt to the Website App Functionality Change in the New Teams Client

Starting April 2024, Microsoft Teams will no longer allow you to load websites inside the new Teams desktop and web clients when using the Website app. Instead, these website links will open in a new browser tab outside of Teams. This applies to both new and existing Website apps.

The reason for this change is to better align with emerging best practices in web security and privacy, as well as to improve the reliability of websites opened through this feature. Microsoft wants to ensure that your web browsing experience is safe and secure, and that you can access the web content you need without any issues.

New website new functionality in Microsoft Teams


Supercharge your meetings with the all-new Meet app on Microsoft Teams!

Are you tired of juggling between multiple locations to manage your meetings effectively? Microsoft about to release a new game-changer experience available exclusively on the new Teams client.

The revolutionary Meet app, a dedicated space within Microsoft Teams that promises to transform the way you conduct, engage, and excel in your meetings. Say goodbye to scattered information and hello to streamlined productivity!

Microsoft Teams Meet app


Say goodbye to Microsoft Teams Wikis and hello to enhanced note taking with OneNote

Microsoft has announced that Microsoft Teams channels wikis will be retired and note taking capabilities will be powered by OneNote. This change is part of Microsoft effort to unify the applications available in Microsoft 365 for note taking.

OneNote provides an enhanced note taking experience, keeping the team notes organized in a single notebook. The new experience includes easy collaboration across the team, rich editing with typing, ink annotations, highlighting, file attachments, and easy recall and search for channel notes within OneNote on any platform.

Microsoft Teams wikis deprecation


What is Viva Engage?

During the Inspire event, Microsoft announced a new a new Viva application for Microsoft 365. The new app is Viva Engage, but it unlike other Viva apps this one is not technically new!

Confused? Don’t worry you are not the only one. Plain and simple, Viva Engage is Yammer for Microsoft Teams!

What is Viva Engage?


How to create a custom Together Mode scene for Microsoft Teams

For a more inclusive meeting experience in Microsoft Teams, the together mode allows you to define scenes where attendees will be “seated” next to each other.

Microsoft has several different scenes that you can choose from, and in this article, you will learn how to extend the available scenes by building your own.

Microsoft Teams custom together mode scene


How to use Microsoft Teams Walkie Talkie on iOS and Android

Released originally with frontline workers in mind, Microsoft Teams Walkie Talkie, a push-to-talk application is now available to all users on iOS and Android devices.

From this application is possible to send voice messages to team channels with the push of a button. This feature comes in handy for scenarios where users need to communicate with others in Microsoft Teams, but for some reason can’t type.

Microsoft Teams Walkie Talkie


Meet the new Microsoft Teams channel calendar

One of the core functionalities of Microsoft Teams are meetings, and this feature just got an update that will make the scheduling and managing of channel meetings a lot easier with the channel calendar app.

Added to the roadmap in December 2020 it is already available to be used in the web and desktop clients worldwide, so let’s see how configure it.

Microsoft Teams channel calendar


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.