How to record a meeting on Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams allows you to record the meetings you have in the platform either to review it later or to share it with someone else who couldn’t attend.

In this article you will learn how to record a meeting on Microsoft Teams in 2 simple steps and how to manage and share the recordings with other members of the organization.


How to add guest users to Microsoft Teams

With the Covid-19 hitting the world there are thousands of organizations and schools looking for new ways to communicate and collaborate.

Microsoft Teams is a good solution to bring everyone from the same organization into the same place, but what about collaborating with guest users?


How to fix the authentication issues with personal apps using SharePoint pages

SharePoint has been out there forever and I’m sure you have a lot of content on it that you would love to start seeing on Microsoft Teams.

Vesa Juvonen did an amazing video covering a typical scenario of how SharePoint and Teams can be integrated without writing code but unfortunately the solution fails when used on the desktop Microsoft Teams client.


How to run multiple instances of Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Edge

With the exponential growth of Microsoft Teams also came the problem to manage accounts in multiple tenants, if you belong to more than one organization you may find yourself signing in and signing out multiple times or using multiple browsers to keep up with everything being said in all environments.

While the option to manage multiple accounts is not tackled by the official app there are few workarounds available to run multiple instances of Microsoft Teams in your machine, and with the new Microsoft Edge a new one has become available.


How to easily identify Teams site collections

When a new Team is created there are a few resources created along with it, one of them is an Office group and his SharePoint site collection where all the team documents are stored.

With the self-service creation of Teams enabled by default managing SharePoint site collections will certainly be harder over the time but as an administrator you can change the default settings to easily identify all the sites belonging to a team.


Customize Microsoft Teams meeting requests

Your company logo is your identity and you probably include it in all your communications and in your mail signature so there is no reason to not include it also in the Microsoft Teams meting requests.

Microsoft Teams meting requests can be customized by the global administrator in the Admin Center and the customization is then propagated to all users in the tenant.


How to send an email to a channel

Each team on Microsoft Teams has its own email that works as a distribution list, but did you know that each channel inside the team has also its own email?

Channel emails can be used by Team members to post content directly from email to the channel and this include not just the body of the email but also all the attachments.


How to change a Team email

There are a lot of reasons that can lead you to a rename of a Team, either because the self-creation is enabled, and the names don’t follow the internal rules or simply because the name no longer makes sense.

On Microsoft Teams you have a graphical interface that will allow you to change the name and the description of the Team however the email will not change to reflect the modification.

To modify the email, you will need to use the Exchange PowerShell below to create a new alias and delete the old one.


Share to Microsoft Teams – A new WordPress plugin

According to the numbers unveiled before Microsoft Inspire 2019, Microsoft Teams has already surpassed Slack and has an average of 13+ million users active on the platform daily.

WordPress is one of the most used platforms to publish content on the Internet and with this new plugin Share to Microsoft Teams, blog and site owners can potentially increase their audience by providing an embedded button to share a page directly to any person on Microsoft Teams.

Share to Microsoft Teams


What’s new for Microsoft Teams form SPC 2019

Microsoft Teams was under the spotlight during the SharePoint Conference with a few sessions dedicated exclusively to the platform.

Even though this conference was not dedicated to Microsoft Teams, Microsoft made some announcements related with the integration with SharePoint.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.