How to archive a Microsoft Teams channel

Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool for collaboration and communication within organizations. As projects progress and priorities shift, the ability to archive channels becomes increasingly important. This feature helps team owners declutter their Teams environment and maintain organization by preserving important content without keeping the channel active.

Understanding the Importance of archiving channels is crucial for managing the lifecycle of a project. Once a project is completed or paused, archiving the channel allows team owners to keep the workspace focused and free from unnecessary distractions. It ensures that only active projects occupy the immediate workspace, making it easier for team members to navigate and collaborate effectively.

Archive a Microsoft Teams Channel


The New Channel Creation Experience in Microsoft Teams: What You Need to Know

One of the reasons why users create more teams than necessary is that the team creation option is more prominent and accessible than the channel creation option.

To address this issue, Microsoft just made an improvement to the channel creation flow that will help with the teams governance and will likely reduce the number of teams in the organization moving forward.

New creation experience for Teams channels


How to Stay on Top of Your Teams Channels with Discover Feed

If you are like me, you probably use Microsoft Teams to communicate and collaborate with your colleagues on various projects and topics. You may also belong to dozens of teams and hundreds of channels, each with its own stream of messages, files, and meetings. Keeping track of all these channels can be overwhelming and time-consuming, especially if you want to stay updated on the latest and most relevant conversations.

That’s why I’m excited to share with you a new feature that Microsoft has started to roll out in January 2024 and will be available worldwide in February 2024. It’s called Discover, and it’s a personalized channel feed that shows you the most interesting and important channel posts from people and topics you care about.

Discovery Microsoft Teams


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.