How to download audio messages from Microsoft Teams in 2024

Microsoft Teams is a popular platform for online collaboration, communication, and productivity. One of the features that many users enjoy is the ability to send and receive voice messages, which can be convenient and expressive.

However, unlike text and files, voice messages do not have a direct option to download the audio file and save it locally. This can be frustrating if you want to keep a record of an important conversation, or if you want to listen to the voice message offline or on another device.

Download Microsoft Teams Audio Messages

In this blog post, I will show you how to download audio messages from Microsoft Teams V2.

  1. Open Microsoft Teams in the browser and make sure you are using the new version
  2. Open the chat or the channel where the audio message was posted
  3. Press F12 to open the developer tools
  4. Click in the Applicationtab at the top
  5. On the left side scroll to the Frames section
  6. Expand the Top, then expand Media
  7. Right click in the audio file, and select Open in new tab
    Download Microsoft Teams Audio Messages
  8. On the browser tab, click in the of the audio player and then select Download

6 Responses to “How to download audio messages from Microsoft Teams in 2024”

  1. kjp_slc

    February 21, 2024

    Looks like they removed the MEDIA function.

    I have:

    >>XHR and FETCH

    • João Ferreira

      February 22, 2024


      What browser are you using? I can still see the media function in EDGE.
      Make sure you play the clip to make sure the media tab appears.

      Let me know if this solves your issue.

      Have a nice day 🙂

      • Alex H

        February 24, 2024

        That is correct, you have to play the clip first and then open the developer tools
        tested on Chrome

        thanks a lot!

  2. Camila Fernandez

    March 1, 2024

    Funcionou perfeitamente, me salvou demais!
    Obrigada, João!


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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.